zamiren bleuU

Power Grid Experts - Interoperability - Standards CEI 61968 61970 61850 62325 63110

Zamiren is a member of the TC57/WG16 group responsible for the IEC 62325 series of standards for the exchange of information on the deregulated energy market.

The main objective of the IEC 62325 series of standards is to produce standards designed to facilitate the integration of application software for the market, independently developed by different suppliers, into a market management system, and between market management systems and systems participating in the (market players). This is done by defining message exchanges to allow these applications or systems to access public data and exchange information, regardless of how this information is represented internally.

The Common Information Model (CIM), covered by IEC 62325-301, IEC 61970-301 and IEC 61968-11, specifies the basis for message exchange semantics.

Two market styles are represented. The North American style with a nodal market and the European style with a zonal market.

The European-style market model (MarketManagement) is based on different parts of the IEC CIM standard and specifies the content of the exchanged messages.

These electricity markets are based on European regulations and on the concepts of access and division of the market into zones. This standard was originally based on the work of the European Transmission System Operators (ETSO), the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) working group and the work of the EDI WG of the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E).

The main originality of the  european style profiles is that they are all derived from another profile that represents the regional contextual model European Style Market Profile (IEC62325-351).

there is also a ENTSOE-specific “propertygrouping” method of message compaction leading to a new model for the “Assembly Model” message.

Zamiren has strongly contributed to the profiling methodology which is formalized in the IEC62325-450 standard and this methodology follows the following scheme:


The zamiren group is also a member of the TC57/WG21 (demand/response) working group whose model merges with the 62325 model and contributes within the framework of the joint group with the TC69 jwg15 to transpose the profile of the IEC62346 WG21 into the European market style.